red tomato on green billiard table

League Specific Rules


  • Each team may have as many as 10 players on their roster.

  • A final roster must be confirmed after week 7 of the season. No player will be eligible for the playoffs unless they have played a minimum of 1 game in five separate weeks prior to the playoffs.

  • After week 7 all teams will be given a copy of every team's roster. No person can play unless they are on the team roster.

  • It is up to the captain of each team to confirm the eligibility of a player.

  • If there is a dispute, they are to contact League officials before proceeding.

  • If a bar has two teams their bartender and/or owners may play for both teams, as long as they are part of each team’s roster. However, in the playoffs, the bartender and/or owner can play for only one of their teams. This rule is intended to help a bar with two small teams. The Bartender/Owner, if on two rosters, cannot travel with either team until one team is chosen. Once a team is chosen the decision is final.


  • A minimum of four players are required to play a regular match. Only one player can play 5 games in the match. No player can play more than two 2-point games. No player can play consecutive games with the exception of the next to last and last game.

  • A match may be played with a team having only 3 players, however in that match all 2 point games are forfeited to the other team (for 8 points) and the rest of the match will be played for single points (a total of 13 points)

  • If a team forfeits the match it will be scored as 15-0


  • All matches are scheduled to begin @ 8:00 PM.

  • If a team does not have enough people to start by 8:15, they lose the first game.

  • If a team does not have enough people to start by 8:30, the lose the second game.

  • If a team does not have enough people to start by 8:45, they forfeit the match and lose by 15-0.

  • A team may begin a match with as few as 2 players, alternating in the first round, in anticipation of late arrivals to complete the match.

    PLEASE NOTE: The Bay Ridge Pool League is not a professional league. Common sense and courtesy may allow the delay of the start of the match due to weather conditions, parking, mass transit delays, etc. However such delay is at the discretion and forbearance of the opposing team.


  • After a match both teams captains or their designated substitutes must sign the score sheets confirming the final score. The home team has the responsibility of texting a clear image of the scoresheet to league's scorekeeper immediately following the match.

  • When writing in the line-up please clearly print the players first and last names. This helps in assuring accurate standings and individual statistics.

  • If there is a dispute between teams on any particular point please call one of the officers of the league for a ruling.


  • A foul is committed when any ball other than the cue ball is hit inadvertently by a hand, cue-stick, clothing or a bridge, during or after the shot. The result will be a “ball in hand” for the next player.

  • If any ball is moved or touched when positioning the cue-ball during a “ball in hand” it is a foul and the other player shoots.


  • Each player is allowed 2 time-outs or “coaches” per game. A time-out may be called only by the player shooting or the team captain.

  • A coach is designated by the player or the team captain and will remain the only coach throughout the game.

  • The coach is the only one allowed to speak to the shooter. The coach may speak to his team before calling a timeout but once a timeout is called no additional conversation is allowed between the coach and anyone other than the shooter.

  • If a player has ball in hand, only that player may touch the cue. If the coach touches any ball on the table, or the cue, the opponent will be given the cue in hand.

  • If any other team player wants to suggest a time-out he must alert the captain of the team to do so, if not it will be declared one of the time-outs allowed.

  • The length of the time-out should not exceed three minutes.


  • A player must have at least one foot on the floor when shooting, otherwise it is a foul and “ball in hand” for the other player.

ADDENDUM: Unsportsmanlike Conduct/Cheating

  • 1st Penalty: Forfeit of 8 points

  • 2nd Penalty: Forfeit of whole night

  • 3rd Penalty: This infraction will result in not being able to participate in the league

    Anyone caught cheating or displaying unsportsmanlike conduct and/or having a formal complaint filed against the team, will result in a league board review of said team.

    Please remember that the spirit of the Bay Ridge Pool League is friendly competition.